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Tsodilo Hills

Tsodilo Hills

a special place for different cultures and tribes for ages

Informations sur : Tsodilo Hills

This heritage site has been a special place for different cultures and tribes for ages. From the Hunter-Gatherer Bushmen to the Bantu cattle herders. Ancient rock paintings provide a unique insight in what life looked like in this part of the world, thousand of years ago. We will take a walk around the hills, looking at the different paintings that will be interpreted by your local guide who grew up in the village near Tsodilo. Stories about these paintings have been passed down from ancestors for years and years.

Photos : Tsodilo Hills

Tsodilo Hills
Tsodilo Hills Botswana
Tsodilo paintings

Nos voyages : Tsodilo Hills

2024 Africaventura, une marque de Ventura TRAVEL GmbH

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Profile picture Sarah Delforge

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Profile picture Sarah Delforge